That's Life!

By Agan

Magic In The Air

Magical spires adorn the Excalibur as we head to the Luxor Resort to be amazed by the skills of TV magician Criss Angel. His performance brought back memories of a show Jools and I saw many years ago in Johannesburg featuring another much-vaunted star whose centrepiece was making a real-live elephant disappear. We sat in the second row and were enthralled by the act until he closed the curtain in front of the elephant. Lights flashed, whiz-bangs exploded,and through a slight gap where the curtains didn't quite meet we saw the frightened animal shuffling back from the stage. No elephants tonight, but I had a feeling the tricks were essentially the same, but with brighter lights, louder music and lots of technology. And birds fluttering from a billowing cape!

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