My Best Efforts - Year 3



............ have come up with this word to describe what I seem to be doing fairly regularly these days - and that is to drive around for a hour or so in the morning to see what I can see for the days pic..
This is something I saw from quite a long way away - can't even say where it is exactly as I realised, looking at my watch, I just couldn't get home in time for my first "ferrying" of the day if I investigated further. Put camera on longest zoom and hoped for the best!! Was extremely pleased to see how clear the picture was. This was obviously an old Mill that has been converted into a private residence - the views from the glass room at the top must be fantastic.

Weather is very cold and really bright - there must have been a frost but all signs of it were gone by 10.00. Keep warm!

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Have a great day if you can.

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