Big Hill

By bighill

On the easel...

I just couldn't stand being cooped up inside another day...i've been unwilling to get over to the studio cos i knew it would be cold....well the shacky whacky got the better of me and so i went over.   It was -10C in there.....holy shit!!!   But i got the fire going and within about an hour and a half it was comfortable.   Just to get it straight, i start the fire and then head back to the house, usually having to make another trip over to put more wood on,......till it's about +11 or so.....then i keep piling on the wood and eventually it's warm enough for me to take off my coat!!!

This is just the second layer for this piece.....i love this stage actually, cos there are so many possibilities....and i haven't made mud yet!!!!

-11 outside today, and it's started snowing.....again!

Time for a and a bit of a nap.....then back to the studio for the rest of the afternoon.   I find that after about 2 1/2- 3 hours of concentration etc., i'm kinda ready for a break!  how about you artists out there.....(older one's especially), do you find you have a limit to the time you can stand and paint before having to take a break?  

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