Smelling the roses....

....a little katydid not quite sure of his step......

A warm and pleasant morning, I was pruning my roses at 7am. It was lovely listening to the birds in the garden, some starlings were causing a stir in the cabbage tree as they squabbled over the seeds, a fantail flitted from tree to tree and a blackbird was feeding a fledgling. I was taken by surprise to see this little katydid in the roses, he wasn't very sure about me or the camera so I reeled off some shots and left him in peace.

It's been another hot day, 30C, but thankfully has cooled down now. It's predicted New Zealand's first Southern Ocean storm for 2019 is on it's way, bringing with it much needed rain, gale force winds and snow!! I'm looking forward to cooler days and nights.

Thanks to Anni for hosting Flower Friday.

Enjoy the weekend everyone :)

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