Flowers again

I had a different idea in mind for today's blip, but I don't have the energy, so here is a shot of green hydrangea I found at the market while shopping for that eggplant.  I didn't get much sleep last night, and I've been dragging around all day.  

I brought May's hearing aid up to her today, and fortunately did not fall asleep at the wheel.  She had difficulty getting it into her ear and began twisting at the wire, which is what damaged it before.  I told her she should have one of the staff at the home help her with it.  Then we had a few games of cards and I went home.  The nurse practitioner prescribed a new medication to be taken in the morning and evening to soften the voices, but they have gotten much louder and the things they say are more frightening.  She says she can't sleep at night because the voices are so intrusive.  I feel so helpless and frustrated about this, and it's hard to accept that I don't need to tidy up her world any longer.  

Tomorrow we're expecting lots of rain, so I can just stay home and rest with Minkelina.  I need that.

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