Crocus flowers

Another wonderful  sunny day. Apart from some time on chicken duties this morning I have spent most of the day indoors. We have friends coming to dinner this evening and the preparations for the meal have taken a long time.

Never mind, the back door has been wide open letting in the fresh air and sunlight.  Washing has been hung outside and the thermal baselayers packed away. I may be too optimistic though,  as March can be a very varied month weather wise.  I recall our holiday last March in Belgium and Germany when if was minus 3 and it snowed.

I have an old wooden crate in the boot room which contains some of my outdoor clothes covered by a knitted blanket where smudge occasionally sleeps. Today I decided to sort it out  and had a surprise when I took out all the clothes. I first noticed cat biscuits and then mouse droppings . Sadly there was a little curled up dead field mouse.  I think he had been there some time but had no sign of injury. I wonder if hunter Smudge knew he was there.

My extra is a photo (not very clear I'm afraid) of the outdoor thermometer showing a temperature of 31C at around midday.

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