RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Virgen De Guadalupe

The processions to celebrate the Virgen de Guadalupe began late last week, but it took us until this evening to get down to Plaza Kioto to observe the festivities. I have not discovered anything in the United States remotely comparable to these processions. Groups of from 15 to 150 people of all ages start in the outlaying areas or various business sponsors and march to the church located on the traffic circle, accompanied by bands or music. There seems to be no schedule or order of arrival, so many times there are multiple groups attempting to enter the church grounds at the same time. Because Plaza Kioto is a major intersection, cars, buses, and other forms of transportation are still attempting to get from here to there. Add people milling about, a bunch of vendors selling everything imaginable, and other assorted craziness and you have one of the most entertaining events in Zihuatanejo. Today and tomorrow are the big days and subsequently the most fun!

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