twinned with trumpton


A slow morning before we sauntered down (if you can saunter on bikes?) to the graffiti wall.

A goodly crowd were already getting tore in as we did a lap of the wall. The boys availed themselves of the burgers; I grabbed a tea and we chatted to Sehven25's mum, Shona, Chas and met Sior (I have a couple of his throwaway pieces gathered from the streets of Edinburgh).

Then George and his dad showed up, we had a go at the training wall and got blue fingers before more burgers, more chat (Keith arrived by now) and finally She showed up and we exited for a coffee at the Haven; cycled almost back to Tesco before the rain fell, and we split for our respective homes.

Wales v England wasn't too gripping until I'd got dinner on and the final 20 minutes were exciting.
Quest / MOTD and bed.

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