
After opening the hens  I had a glorious morning walk through the woods - daffodils, the first violets and the sound of the woodpecker somewhewe in Cotehele woods. The rest of the day was spent sorting more boxes to be collected . Come late afternoon The Exile and I went for another walk in the woods and we were just coming out of the woods when we bumped into The Rower and The BBC Man outside their house. They invited us in for a drink and would not accept that I had the hens to close - The BBC Man said first it was the hairdressers and now the hens - always some excuse! Whilst the drinks were got I took photos of their washing line - just because I have a thing about washing lines! The BBC Man was taking the clothes down and reached the peg bag just as I was taking a photo of it with the washing. I blurted out " take your knickers off but leave the rest on!" Well he found this highly amusing and I just crumpled in laughter and never did get to take the peg bag! When we got inside he said " You'll never believe what she just said to me" - cue laughter all over again! 
We sat out on the front step as dusk fell - me with a peppermint tea and them with a beer. Ginger settled down to appreciate the view and oscar and Scout played madly in the garden! What a lovely way to end the day! 
The blip is of shelving in their kitchen - I just love little collections like this! The teapot and the sardine tin are my favourite pieces! 

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