When I mentioned to Mr HCB this morning that I wanted to use him as a model for my Mono Monday shot he sighed deeply and said, “Oh no, not again!”  However, when I said that I just wanted his foot, he was fine with that, then off he went to do some work in the garden - lots of tidying up and in particular, moving things around, including this wire.

I decided this morning that I would do some clearing out of cupboards – the only problem with this is that even if you clean them out and they look sparkling no one actually sees what you’ve done - but I know they’ve been done!  Five cupboards later I’m feeling quite tired so I think that will have to do for today. 

Mr HCB came in for coffee at about 11 o’clock and asked if I was ready to go and take some photographs in the garden. We wandered round near the greenhouse when he told me that he’d had to open the door because the inside temperature was 30° C.   I had actually thought that we would use some of the new wire that we had bought but this old stuff with leaves embedded in it looks much better.  

So here is my take on “Down to the Wire” - the best I can do with the mushy brain like mine - and I rather liked the way the shadows fell onto Mr. HCB's shoe.

Now I think a little sit in the sunny and warm conservatory to do some knitting is the order of the day.  I’m going to see a friend for a mini Blipmeet this evening so there may not be too many comments. 

“Gardens are not made 
     by sitting in the shade.” 
Rudyard Kipling

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