For the Birds

This morning's walk was strictly for the birds! The main selection is my old friend, the dark-morph hawk; he has a pretty predictable territory. In the Extras we have St Joseph, with an irresistible audience of one. And the final Extra is more a mnemonic device than a fantastic photo: there was a lot of bird drama at the top of the Norfolk pine: several crows were noisily flying around, and a large unidentifiable creature sat hunched on one of the branches. I couldn't figure out the story til we were coming back to the car and got a better view. The bird on the left is a peregrine falcon, happily tearing into his meal; the interesting thing is the hawk on the right, who seems comfortable just sitting close by and keeping an eye on things. I guess as long as the falcon is still eating, the hawk isn't in danger, but this is the first time I've ever noticed this kind of grouping. 

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