
A big thank you to all you lovely blippers for putting my 1500th on page one.....pity I didnt realise it until after Id posted!! :-/

We are both still full of cold......had to put the alarm on last night to make sure we were awake, after our nighttime flu capsules and hot toddies, still didnt have the best nights sleep :-0

The tree loppers were here before 10am.... removed a pine from the front, took a couple of feet off the the laurel hedge at the side, removed a large branch from a cottinus, reduced our big maple by a third, reduced the bamboo by half, topped and trimmed the thuja and reshaped my fav tree, that hub wanted to get rid of ;-) a job well done....all ready for the landscaper to come and quote for prep pre summerhouse!!

We were out in the garden most of the day keeping an eye on things......and working of course. Think the fresh air helped clear our heads a little...we had soup for lunch then carried on, think we might pay a price tomorrow. I took a raincheck on my camera club talk, its so hot in the room where we meet.....I know for a fact I would have struggled big time :-(

Took a few photos around the garden this afternoon, the white camelia is looking stunning, no blemishes as its been dry and mild :-)

A quick dinner of prawn and chorizo linguine before a lazy night in front of the tv, plenty of fluids, sneezing and blowing continues!! Think we are going to watch LALA Land :-)

We are hoping to get out tomorrow as the forecast is good again!

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