Blast from the Past

An unusual series of events has resulted in me not having a front door key the door is unlocked I have to stay in. I think Gav has done it on purpose so that I can't go shopping again. So, I have no excuse not to finish decorating the tree/do the ironing/read/wrap some more presents!!

MiniChallenge2012 - Day 4
Blast from the Past

When thinking back to my childhood two things spring to mind, holidays at Butlins and Enid Blyton books. As an only child, with parents who wouldn't play board games, books were very important to me. I loved reading about the exciting adventures these fearless children...and dog...had and would often stay up until the middle of the night reading one after the other. Sorry Mum. I still have the full set of Famous Five's and lots of other books from my childhood.....looking very much the worse for wear.....but still much loved!

Have a great day folks xx

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