
I wonder at the so called humanity of the world we are in when we have things like tribunals with three judges assessing the eligibility of people who are very unwell one way or another for support. As someone said to me today, ‘if I had to do this for myself, I would kill myself, it is only because I am fighting for my daughter that I can keep going through it’.
I despair. I remember watching a great angry production of Steven Berkoff’s version of ‘The Trial’ ... that got it.
We profess to be humane and civilised..the inhumanity is on our doorstop and right under our noses. We don’t have to look beyond our shores to see atrocities, it is here, systemically and insidiously meshed in the fabric of how we live in our leafy suburban comforts, the thorns to be found everywhere in our rosey cottage gardens and it is deeply shameful.

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