A Howgills Discovery

It’s been many a visit north that I’ve considered going to the Howgills but weather and other circumstances have always delayed it for some reason or other. Today however my OS map was finally used.

The Howgills are green, rounded and rolling with deep gullies in between them, not really like anywhere else. They are also about 420 million years old, far far far older than their neighbours on either side, so unsurprisingly different. It was an overcast day so I didn’t see them at their best, but they were impressive enough that I’ll not be burying that map too deeply.

We walked along Carlingill Beck and up an extremely steep ridge next to Little Ulgill Beck. I was very pleased that my recent use of the cross trainer/stepper had paid off. Apparently Ravens nest there but they were very well hidden if they were there at all.

One of the most widespread and varied animal adaptations is camouflage, an animal's ability to hide itself from predator and prey. You may notice Intothehills appears to be practicing it!

After our lunch stop on the ridge we navigated up to Fell Head and then down towards Small Gill. Fell Head is only 623m but we definitely gave our legs a good workout.

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