
By Bradders

Hold music

This morning I rang the ATO to find out where my TFN was, they gave it me over the phone, result. Next I rang the DoT to ask about a driving licence, apparently I can get one now! Awesome. But all I need to do is have a Western Australian address... not so easy to prove.

I changed my bank address to my current residence and went into a branch to get official documentation. Then I went to a Medicare centre and tried to do the same, but because I'm on a working visa they wouldn't issue a change of address, because any address is temporary for me??? Ok...

Caught the bus to town and went to the ATO, waited in line and then I was told I was in the wrong line. Went to the actual line and then I had to phone from a computer station to get help changing my address with the tax people. They wouldn't give me any documentation to prove that though.

So... I went with what I had to the DoT DVC, to try and get a licence issued, no luck. I am one document short, with luck that will arrive in the post in a couple of days and I can get my licence request submitted which will arrive in a couple of days.

So that done with I returned to the hostel, very hungry, I set about making myself a good pasta based meal, and then the pipes in the roof broke and showered my food in stinky water.........

Went upstairs, watched a movie, when the leak was fixed I went to make a new meal. Caught the sunset after tea.

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