It Started Down Under

By dirk

Too Much!!!

Today I had a lot of fun, really!
Met up with a fellow student from my faculty and went to the aquarium.
Had fish & chips while looking at sharks, really special in a special kind of way.
After seeing divers feed the sharks and stingrays we went to Flinder's Station.

Got to find our way into springvale for the Holland Festival! She had free tickets, but we only had an address... So we got lost by getting off a train station early. Took a bus, got more lost and were helped out by a friendly man who drove us as close as he could.

Still had to walk a mile but then we really got there, dutch flags all over the place. Giant wooden shoes, poffertjes, suikerspinnen, boerenkool, rookworst, aardappelkoeken, drop, kroketten, frikandellen, everything was there!
Many old people that moved in from the Netherlands over 50 years ago.

The atmosphere was just brilliant! Especially because everything was in the carnaval theme. They played slager music.. a bit less dutch, more german.
Anyway we had a great time, I bought a great amount of fresh dutch "drop" (liquorice).

Afterwards in the evening we took the right train back into the city where we attended a very good rock band at federation square. They were playing on behalf of the Sustainability Festival to which I will be going tomorrow!
I'm really tired now, so I'll just go to bed.

Can't wait for your comments, questions or just views!


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