Gitama's World

By Gitama


.....tried on Flynn’s hat.....he could hardly believe that it fit him (Flynn has a big head).
I didn’t have time to blip last night...Dad and I got into long and lengthy discussions about the Ancient worlds ...the Collosus of Rhodes...the Hanging Gardens of Babylon....then to Orkney...Hadrians Wall......what to say we covered a lot of ground ending up with vignettes of his childhood and his time in the Navy...his nickname was ‘Happy’.
I was late by the time he retired to his room and talking book.

Beetle loves Dad...the tongue in his ear whilst just falling to sleep was one thing but having Beetle jump on his testicles all the time is not we have had to keep an eye on that little bugger.

We will take him home’s been nice having him here and he has got used to the different lay of the land but I think he will be happy to be back in his old chair and Mum back home....and I can get to do some work and maybe take a long nap.

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