
By feefifofum

The head bone's connected to the...

If I ever have kids, I'm teaching them an anatomically correct version of that song.

Radiator still appeared to be at 100 degrees, at one point during the night I decided to sleep on the floor as that's where the cold air from the window seemed to be going, woke up an hour later severely regretting that decision!

Today, I decided was scone day. Hospitals always have the best scones, the ones here are like, the size of your HEAD. I needed a sugar boost after lack of sleep anyhoo. Food also appears to be the highlight of my days!

They talk funny over this way too, apparently I'm a footerer (sp? ) I don't think it's a good thing. Also, gone is "gan", and marks and spencer is "merks en spencer" some stuff I don't even pretend to understand.

I thought I was being quite productive this evening, until the computer froze as I tried to save 500+ words of my lit review, lost the lot. Left me on a bit of downer, wrote about 200 non-related words but had to leave it for this evening, try again tomorrow!

I also can't tell if my radiator has been turned down slightly, or I'm getting used to it, I don't care as long as I SLEEP.
Those of you who know me, will know Fee doesn't well do very sleep without.

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