My left hand...

...painting for today.

The background was meant to be birch trees in a dark forest, but it ended up very flowing lines, so attempts to put the bark in, bottom right, and the leaves, top left ended in disaster.

I was going to put a wood sprite or something in the woods, but head/brain said horse's head...

I tried with the brush pens...disaster again.

Then I found the writing correction pen which is obviously white. Many years ago with J, I watched someone paint the woods and trees. But then there was the fanciest of white iron gates in front of this person. The woman used the white correction pen to sketch in these wrought iron gates at breakneck speed and they looked brilliant.

I knew oneday I would use a white correction pen to draw wrought iron gates, but I never did. This was like 15 years ago I saw the woman do this. So today I thought it might work for a mystical horse in the forest...

Try squeezing a correction pen to get the white out, and drawing a line at the same time! And doing it with your non dominant hand. Not easy. Very wobbly lines...

You can see several tries for the shape of the horse's head to try and get that fuller bit at the sides under the eyes.

I have had this correction pen quite a few years. I wouldn't mind buying a new one to see if the white flows out any easier.

I found this frustrating while doing it, but I think it worked out well in the end.

I have already started the coloured background for tomorrow's painting, and I have no idea what I am going to 'draw' on it. Maybe sleep will bring up some ideas....

Thank you for looking in and all your kind comments and love.
Take care x

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