Not a Day For Celebration

Today's theme for the mini challenge is Celebration but I'm not really feeling like it today. So you get some flour instead.
Which is bound for the bin.
I took Miss L to the doctors this morning to discuss her test results and it turns out she has Coeliac Disease.
I've spent most of the day alternating between tears and anger at myself for being so ridiculous - it's not like she's got anything life threatening.
We got back at lunchtime and it quickly became apparent there is hardly anything in the house she can eat! Pasta, Cheerios, bagels, bread, fishfingers, sausages....
90% of her diet wiped out in a single stroke!
Dinner was ham and mashed potato.
I'm fighting against being incredibly negative and sad - she won't be able to drink beer, she won't be able to guzzle the gravy like her mother, outings and visits to people's houses are going to be fraught, she won't understand why she can't have the things she loves - and trying to see the positives: it'll be a healthy diet (for all of us) with very little processed food, it's soooooooo much easier nowadays with all the shops offering gluten free options, at least we found out now rather than her going undiagnosed for years and suffering long term damage.
Mostly I just feel sad and a bit overwhelmed. She's my baby and I can't bear the idea of anything doing her harm or being hard for her or setting her apart from others.

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