Bryan's Hoose

It was snowing last night, and still snow in the hills today.  A fine calm day, cold but sunny.  Clear starry night tonight.

I had a great night out last night, and ended up sleeping it off this morning.  I finally got up and going, and out walkies with Sammy.  We headed down the road in the afternoon, and popped along mam and dad, then headed to see friends Shannon and Robert in Sandwick.  Back home, mostly lazy by the fire.  Some walkies with Sammy, then a movie.  Saddened to see photos of the Fair Isle bird observatory destroyed by fire today.  

While I was in Sandwick, a d it was a fine day, I thought I'd get my walk around Hoswick this time.  As I strolled through the hamlet, I bumped into old friend Bryan (Peterson).  I hadn't seen Bryan for a while, and he joined me and Sammy for a walk.  We had a great yarn and catchup, and also a few chats with people along the way.  Here's Bryan outside his house, Hoswick. 

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