
By NellieD

My fingers!

All my plans for today changed when I saw a job application this morning.  I much prefer vacancies posted directly by the company and this was the first one that had a few pages of specific questions to answer.  It took me all day but I feel I've given it my best shot and after not working for a few months, I have finger cramps!!

Once I'd written the application, I nipped to the post box to send a birthday card and to have a quick walk round the local park before going back for a final read through and the ceremonial pressing of the submit button.

I would love the job as it's working for a huge Manchester event that I go to with my book club so I will just have to wait and see and keep my fingers crossed.  At least I'm finding jobs out there to apply for.

I hadn't realised there was 8% battery left on my phone so a very quick blip before it went completely flat - like my post job application brain.

Quote for today:
The closest to perfection a person ever comes is when he fills out a job application form.
- Stanley J Randall

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