
By NellieD


Our council don't recycle the tops from plastic bottles as they are often made from a different plastic to the actual bottle. I've never really known what to do with them but saw that Lush will recycle them and turn them into their beauty containers. 

I bagged up my first lot today but just read that they are reviewing the scheme as they currently have 8.5 tonnes of plastic tops to recycle! I'd better get to the store quickly - and hold my breath as I run in as I can't stand the overpowering smell of the shop!

Did my good deed for the day when I saw a young girl hovering around the supermarket trolleys but then saw her in the store struggling to carry a couple of baskets. I asked if she was missing a pound for the trolley and she was really happy she could then do her 'big shop'. It was worth £1 for the big smile I got every time we ended up in the same aisle.

Quote for today:
Most smiles are started by another smile.
- Frank A Clark

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