Little Egret - slightly windswept!

Today was Deb's Birthday - and I'm not saying how old, just a lot less than me!

Although she was working at Sizergh again today, I thought it would be good to chauffeur her in, so drove her down in the morning, and popped over to Leighton Moss for the day. Managed to see Hawfinch, this splendid Egret (also see extra of it feeding) Teal, Pochard, and astonishingly an Eagle Owl in a tree (but from far too far away to photograph it!)

Collected Deb after work, and drove home through heavy rain. We had a table booked at a lovely restaurant in Pooley Bridge for Dinner, but set off in the polo and couldn't get there by any route due to the floods. So ended up eating sausage and mash at home.

I'll make it up to her. 

Still no internet, so I'm uploading a few at our village hall - only about 2 weeks left before we're back online! 


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