Unzip . . .

. . . . A squash
U3a Practical morning today and there was a good display of still life to photograph.  We were involved in a lot fo the setting up so spent time with people talking and helping.    KG's idea was this butternut squash which he wanted to u zip - I duly found a zip for him and did some top stitching on it and he pinned it to the squash.  Mine was onion people (see extra) just a bit of fun with onion rings and buttons.  

Back to yesterday - we got home from camera Club on Monday  night to receive a text from Amanda saying Mr T had had more chest pains and was in Southmead Hospital.  Having ascertained there was nothing we could do we went to bed and didn't have a good nights sleep.  Yesterday morning we found out Mr T was to have an ultra sound but he was supposed to be Nil by Mouth and he had had breakfast.  KG had his cardiac rehab in the afternoon 
 and we arranged to pick Amanda up after that.  Dropped her off at hers and went home and made tea.  Just sitting down to eat it and a phone call from Amanda who was having a bad asthma attack.. KG spoke to her on the phone  - I phoned 999 and KG went down to see her.  I had to tell her to hang up as the call centre would tale her through until the ambulance arrived.  When KG came back he said to phone Mr T as he wouldn't know was happening.  As we phoned the hospital it turned out that Mr T was worse after his ultra sound  and they were trying to get hold of Amanda - so they ended up in the same hospital in next door wards.  They advised us to come in so another trip to Southmead. The Doctor spoke to us and was very reassuring so we made sure Mr T was ok and then took Amanda home.  We were both shattered and again didn't sleep the best.  
I have not heard any more from Amanda apart from that he was moved  to  the ITU and was doing well.
Today has been quieter and am hoping that no news is good news. 

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