
By seddon

Busy day!

This morning we were all up early, waiting for the midwife to visit. She agreed with Mummy - I am very yellow! So along with my blood spot screen she took some bloods to test for jaundice too. I've lost some weight, but not too much and the midwife was otherwise happy with me.
We went to Thomas's swimming lesson once the midwife left. Thomas ran straight up to his teacher Cath to tell her he had a new baby sister!
After swimming we went to Nannie and Grandpa's house. Uncle Jp and Aunt Sal, Abbie and Ella were already there, and Uncle Ben, Jess, Heidi and Joseph arrived soon after we got there. Auntie Jill also came to say hello, and Uncle Joe came home too, so it was a very busy afternoon, with lots of cuddles!
Mummy got a phone call from the midwife to say my jaundice bloods showed my levels were below the treatment line, so I don't need to go back into hospital... yey!
We stayed at Nannie and Grandpa's for tea, then came home - we were all shattered!

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