Cracking the Whip...on Eight Years of Blip

I had big plans for a castle of sand,
on special blip day.
But my back is doing some talking...
It said..."DON'T GO TO THE BAY!"

For once, I chose to listen,
and made a collage of bird.
Their flying feathers won't hurt you...
at least that's what I've heard.

I got a few birds in the water,
and I got a few birds in flight.
There were even 3 terns in a choir...
It was really quite a sight.

Eight years of posting a picture on Blip, with one single solitary miss. As most of you know...some days it is easy, and some days it is pure picture torture.

I appreciate those who stop by, and I still enjoy seeing pictures from around the world. It really is a special site, and it's fun to establish Blip friendships.

All pictures in the collage were taken this morning. The herons, egrets, and ospreys refused to show up for the photo session.

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