
By YorkieFife


A visit to family (in-laws) today had us laughing lots at the antics of the offsprings. Mixing with each other and trying to outdo with one upmanship always yields much amusement.

All was fun when youngest offspring at lovely-wifes cousins youngest both decided that they wanted to sit with me. Youngest Offspring always gets really jealous at any other children getting my attention and this was no different. There was even a poke in the eye for her "rival", although we think that was an accident when she pointed at the other one and said "No!" after jumping on my lap.

Lovely Wife and in-law were giggling away and saying I was a "chick magnet". That'd be fine if I was unmarried and the "chick"s I was magnetising were over 18 ;)

Good fun :)

Happy shooting, all.

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