My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Gotta get back in time

Today I met HG Wells, the man himself -or so he told me- and his travelling companion.
They'd travelled from the year 1880 to visit Stafford today in this pretty cool working replica of the time machine from the 1960 fim The Time Machine. It even moved around -a bit like a mobility scooter but hey, that's a vast improvement on the original...remember Rod Taylor having to drag it across his garden to get it out of the Morlock's lair???
As a thank you for posing for this photo they then captured me in their photographatorial box...
I believed every word of it. Who am I to doubt HG Wells?

If you've only seen the 2002 film with Guy Pearce and Samantha Mumba you should check out the 1960 version, it's much, much better. Although in 2002 they did stick to roughly the same time machine design.

Oh and since meeting them I've had this in my head all afternoon!

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