Marsupium Photography

By magi

system change not climate change

Took today off to support the schools' climate strike. The kids were great, colourful, loud and had plenty to say. Their signs covered a huge range from polar bears, fossil fuels and renewables, choice of diet to politics and system change. There was a huge crowd of them outside the Parliament. I am very glad Edinburgh Council decided not to penalise them for taking part in the strike. There was young kids with their parents, high school kids and some students. It was the kids' protest and the few speeches were barely heard above the noise. When I was their age, it was the first Iraq War. We protested and not much changed. However, my pacifist and anti-imperialist outlook remains. I hope they are more successful at bringing immediate change. I am sure they also won't forget. It is time for a change.

More pictures of the protest on Flickr.

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