Me, My Camera & I

By notgraham

Brew Dog

After 77 came round a few weeks ago with a bottle of Brew Dog ale I was intrigued to try it myself. Having not seen it on the shelves at the local Sainsbury's we randomly went to Tesco this weekend. I found this gorgeous bottle of "Punk IPA" and took it home to be mine. Its certainly got a kick in comparison to other IPAs out there!!

In other news, today we put our name down for a cat. And in doing so had a bit of a rush to get a few things together to let the poor thing arrive tomorrow. Much purchasing of cat related products was done. Including carrybox, bed, food (far too much I think), toys, litter, poop scoop plus probably a million other wee things that are "essentials". We get to collect him tomorrow so our day will be filled petting this new addition. Thank you to MrsCyclops for her attendance and help in the picking process. If we weren't careful we think she might have snuck off with one of the other cats there :-)

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