Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Motorised slugs

My carers pass at the hospital allows me to get into some of the staff only areas and it is very interesting!  These "motorised slugs" move all sorts of things around the hospital.  It is quite surreal seeing them coming towards you with a bin, hospital equipment or something.  They even have their own lifts!  The are programmed by a card placed on a reader and then off they go!  Very silly.  Thank you to admirer for hosting Silly Saturday, and thank goodness for these as I wasn't sure there would be much silliness today.

Mr T was not too bad first thing this morning although he hadn't been told off for not eating breakfast.  His arthritis was still really bad and he was in a lot of pain as well as his temperature being raised all night.  The nurse and healthcare assistant looking him today were amazing and couldn't have done more.  The nurse had four patients waiting for a doctor (she told me everyone who has had a raised temperature has to be seen by a doctor).  It was about 14:00 by the time the doctor came.  She had seen him yesterday but Mr T didn't remember.  I said to her that it was almost identical to the flare up (a cold followed by the attack).  She said that would explain the raised temperature (they had been worried the antibiotics weren't working) and prescribed him his "magic pills" steroids.  The nurse gave him some oral morphine and he had a really good sleep.  She also said the MRI had shown some gall stones so he will have an ERCP on Monday to try and remove them.

He woke up about tea time and was much better and able to move his fingers and toes a bit.  He even ate almost a whole tin of chicken soup.

I asked the doctor if I can come in before visiting hours on Monday to be there to help him if his procedure is booked early.  She said that would be fine, and it was helpful to them for me to be there!

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