Close, but NO Coconut?

One is forced to wonder just how many "Once in 100years" floods can be squeezed into a few decades?
I shot out to Hazel Dene again, this time ensuring I was armed with my trusty wallet; I got what I went for + a bonus.
Being Blipless and seeing VAST expanses of wet on the way east along the A66, I thought I'd nip onto Brougham bridge on the way back, just to do a comparison.
There are links so that I/you (if so minded) can leap back & forth for comparison.
I have a rain gauge in the garden - the last three a.m. readings:-
This a.m. I tipped out another 0.1" HOWEVER, by the time I got back from Hazel Dene there was a further 0.2" which I didn't empty, for tomorrow's reading.
A young Ghanaian contact once asked me when our rainy season was? 
I think he was a wee bit doubtful of my answer:-
"It starts in early January and ends sometime around Christmas/New Year."

What it ought to look like.

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