Journey Through Time

By Sue

Christmas Duties

No fancy desk...just the old TV tray. No fancy pen, just a ball point pen. But, cards are purchased, the letter is composed and printed out and all I have to do is sit and actually do this!

I wish I had beautiful handwriting and stronger hands and fingers, because I would love to have beautiful ink pens. Some of them are so gorgeous and they are so elegant to write with. Alas, I don't do the 'art of penmanship' justice.

I woke up this morning at 5 a.m. Once in a while, the usual post nasal drip that I have quits, which is nice...but on the other hand, I can come down with a screaming sinus headache. It wakes me up and then I have to get up and not lay down. Eventually it goes away as gravity does it's job. I got the heat turned up and put on our gas fireplace and then watched the TV show Grey's Anatomy that I had recorded. Then I saw a cooking show, and saw part of a brilliant sunrise way off to the east, peaking under the cloud cover. I was wishing I had been somewhere with a lovely view. I ate some toast and had some hot tea and then I was soooo sleepy. I went back to bed, propped up the pillows and did get a few more hours sleep. A hot shower helped my headache also. I HATE having that headache. HATE IT!

It's raining today and quite dark and wintery. In fact for a while the rain had some snow mixed in. It didn't last long. I thought of those poor people in Connecticut immediately upon waking up and I avoided the news this morning. I saw, though, that people throughout the world are reacting and sending their love and sympathies and it really touched my heart. I only hope parents of these children will be able to feel that love and concern. And that is all I will mention of this it does me no good to dwell on this.

Take care my friends.

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