The Acid Test

Once again using the 50 ScienceThings To Make And Do book, today we learned to make litmus paper.
It's very simple: we just cut up some red cabbage, boiled it and strained off the liquid into a bowl then steeped some strips of blotting paper in it and dried them.
After that came the exciting bit: we had three jars of clear liquid, on the left was of white vinegar (acid), the middle one just water (neutral) and the one on the right a solution of sodium bicarbonate (alkali), into which we dipped a strip - and two of them changed colour, one went pink and the other blue but one stayed just the same!  The Flumlet  was most impressed.

We played in the garden, too, watching the pond for frogs (we have at least two) and spotting a ladybird (extra), besides playing tig around our untidy shrubbery (extra 2).

And he still had energy to run around the playpark after nursery! What it is to be young!

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