Pan Pipes

Whilst shopping in Castleford today we were heralded by the most beautiful music from this Peruvian gentleman playing the pan pipes. His headdress was a magnificent feathered job unfortunately I cut some of it off the picture because I didn't have my glasses on. They were selling various items of jewelry and of course the cds of the music. We have quite a lot of the music of the Andes so didnt buy any but just standing listening to it was such a pleasure.

I dont go down very often so when I do i have a long list of items to get. Today included Stoneground flour from the Castleford Heritage Mill so I was pretty laydened down. Plus i "had" to buy some Dalia tubers and some Gladioli corms, like you do, for the front garden. I had to dig up some things when we did the fence so will have to make a new border and replant things.

The birds are pairing up in the garden, we have a couple of wood pidgeons who sit in the tree cuddleing and preening each other its really sweet to watch them.

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