
It's been a whirlwind of a day, Rach and I were out at 8.45am to take Violet and her little friend Harriet to ballet, where I expected just to watch, but ended up dancing around the room singing to Postman Pat!

We were back home just after 10am and Rach and a quick turnaround to take Scarlett to her dance class, but they don't allow you to stay and watch so I didn't go with them as I needed to have my breakfast.  Violet was happy for me to take photos of her and her baby, and this is my favourite as she has quite an enigmatic smile. 

Rach and Scarlett were home just after 11am, then had a quick turnaround to get ready as we had to be out again at 11.45am as Rach had invited some of Violet's friends to a local play centre for her birthday.  They all had a great time and there was face painting for those who wanted it, as well as lunch.

We left at 2.15pm and when we got home Violet opened her presents, then it was time for me to leave, so Rach took me to the station.  My train to London was on time and I got into Euston at 6.10pm, then had to jump on the underground to Victoria where I caught the train to Brighton.  However, due to engineering works the trains were being diverted to Lewes so the journey was longer than normal, and the train was packed with people who had been on 'The People's Vote' march' - apparently over 1 million took part!   Luckily I got a seat but there were plenty standing or sat on the floor.

The diverted train stopped at Falmer which is closer to home, so Alan picked me up from there and I finally got home just before 9pm.  It's been worth it to see my girls, and we have no plans tomorrow so I think it'll be a bit of a catch up day before going back to work on Monday.

Hope you're having a good weekend!  

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