dunscore day

As you can see from the clock, I was up at the church bright and early. D had gone to an all day yoga seminar in Creetown, leaving home at 7.30, and I had offered to do his coffee duty. I even baked some muffins, which is a rare thing for me as baking is NOT MY THING! I was also on AV duty, but had been up yesterday to set it all up on the computer, so that saved a bit of time. The Annual Stated Meeting was scheduled to take place afterwards, and I listened in while washing up the coffee cups!

Today is also the deadline for articles to be submitted to the Dunscore Digest, of which I'm an assistant editor (along with fellow blipper alyrobbo). I've spent most of this afternoon writing my bits - one of the pieces was about Dunscore's 10 years as a Fairtrade Village, and I enjoyed looking back over all the photos and articles from that time. Just out of view in this photo of the church is a sign at the entrance to the village which reads "Welcome to the Fairtrade Village of Dunscore". I smile every time I pass this sign because when we first tried to get it put up, both Holyrood and Westminster parliaments deemed it illegal (because not traffic-related..). However, the tide turned, and the signs were unveiled in 2010 by Russell Brown MP. Happy days!

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