
By lynnjones7186

Of course there's a bear

Hubby had to go out today but before he left he tasked me with going into town to collect an official paper for him (I will reveal why in a few days ).  So I donned my face mask, as we are still struggling with pollution and set off. Getting to my destination was easy as I caught a song taew.  The driver let me sit in the cab with him, so I avoided breathing in outside air.  I collected the paperwork and started heading home. I  presumed that I would easily get a song taew home.  Wrong. After several attempts I gave up and started walking home.  As I headed down a lane, known as Soi's here, I came across this bear outside a Restaurant that specializes in Shabu.  I don’t know where the driver or passenger of the rickshaw were, but the bear didn't look hungry.

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