4 years

I can't believe 4 years have past since I started blipping. It seems like last week.

I'm amazed when I look back. Blip is much more than a website or external hard drive, it's my memory bank. Each image immediately triggers what I felt on that particular day, what I was feeling, what was going on.

The first year or two was about appearing on the spotlight page and while not the goal, it was pleasant. More sustaining has been the connections I've made, skills I've developed and learning to appreciate the mundane and minutiae of my life.

Over time blipping has become more stripped down. We all know the tension of balancing time spent online versus living our lives and interacting with real people. Sadly I comment less, not because I'm not interested, it's about balance and time.

What hasn't changed is the sense of wonder I often feel as I see the world around me. For that I'll be eternally grateful.

Thank you blip central. You're wonderful. To all those who subscribe, comment or pop in to look at my journal, thank you too. I'm the richer for the experience of blip.

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