On Top of The Tye

There's not much to report today, just a usual Wednesday at work, and at lunch time I had a few errands to do in Hove.  It was quite warm but by the time I left work at 4pm it had started to cloud over so I thought I'd be out of look getting a sunset shot, but I was wrong!

The sky cleared so Alan and I walked over the field at the side of our house onto Telscombe Tye and had this spectacular view across Saltdean to the sea.  It was such a lovely calm evening and the sea was so still.  We saw Phil our resident pheasant and a couple of rabbits, and walked past the badger set.  It's huge with numerous entrances that are plenty big enough to lose a small dog down, I'm surprised people let their dogs run off the lead up there, never mind the fact that there's sheep in the field.

I'm waiting to see the latest updates on Brexit - I can't believe we're supposed to be leaving the EU on Friday and still have no deal - what a mess, and what a worry!

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