Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

It's been a busy first part of the day. First to the physiotherapist for a check up. I got a new one, really nice guy. But he's only here until Easter... So, we scheduled another appointment just before Easter to see my progress. I asked him about my back pain. I told him that I really try to activate my core muscles when I stand - I do a lot of standing in my greenhouse work... But sometimes it's difficult to keep the activation all the time, and manage to breath at the same time. He suggested that I'd do some deadlifts in the greenhouse, somehow. I suggested the gym, on my break, and he thought it a great idea. Then he wanted me to do some deadlifts then and there, to see how I managed them. He had to remind me to bend my knees, straighten my back and pull back the shoulders. I think I can do this in the gym! And I get some practice too. He showed me some other exercises and I went from the health clinic with a positive vibe! 
I took the bus to town, did some shopping in our fabric store, continued by bus to the garden center on the other side of town to pick up some seed bags i've ordered previously. And, of course I found more seeds to to buy. Before I went to pay, I strolled around for a bit. I found this marvellous Hellebore outside, and since it's Flower Friday, it became my blip. (Thanks BikerBear, for hosting yet again! ). To get to the right bus, and not have to go in to town, I took a walk to a bus stop alongside another road. Lovely day. Sunshine, spring in the air, but a bit windy. On to the next bus. Stop along the way to pick up a parcel and then wait for the next one to arrive and take me home. I was gone for hours so rather tired and hungry when I got home. But, pleased I did all that I planned today. :)
One thing that made me really happy yesterday, was the positive feedback I got from the Botanical Garden on my photos from the flower exhibition. They have an Instagram account and made some lovely comments and even tagged people to see my photos. I got a new follower, who is a designer and designs prints on fabric, amongst other things. That was fun! :)

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