a lifetime burning

By Sheol


Flower Friday - Tulip

I had originally intended to take today as a day's holiday, but there's a lot on at the moment so that plan went by the wayside.  This evening we have Cathy's brother Stephen and his wife Anne staying with us.  I've been busy this evening cooking Italian style.  Its been a very enjoyable evening but I suddenly realised a few minutes ago that I had not taken a photo, so I've had to fall back on the tulips in the vase in the hall.  Having said that, I'm rather pleased with they way this one turned out - but then again, they are such photogenic flowers.

Of course, today was originally going to be Brexit day.  Brexit is a very divisive topic and I don't want to fall out with anyone, but as someone who would much prefer to remain within Europe I can't say I'm sorry to find that at 11pm this evening we will still be members of the EU for at least a few short weeks longer. The respite is only temporary and there is still a big risk that we will find ourselves exiting without a deal, although I hope not.  

Unfortunately, whatever the ultimate result: leave without a deal, leave with a deal (and if there is a deal what sort of deal is it to be) or stay, the process has caused divisions within the UK that are likely to take generations to heal.  

It is all a horrible, horrible mess.  What is for sure, is that whatever happens, we will still be dealing with Brexit and its fall out for years to come yet.  I can see it being an essay topic for history and politics students for centuries to come ...

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