
There was a raptor of some kind in the oaks today. I could hear it screaming quite nearby. Clearly the other birds heard it too for they took off in a hurry. This isn't a great shot but I thought that despite its technical failures it was still interesting and does seem to capture headlong flight. 

A much appreciated sunny day gave me the energy to clean and reorganize a bit...probably because light coming through the windows revealed every mote of dust both in the air and on the floor.

OilMan was happy as a clam up potting his tomatoes today and feeling rather smug about it. It helps to have a Master Gardener offering advice and encouragement.  These will no doubt be the most costly tomatoes ever grown (by us anyway) since they have to go into special soil.... I think I also heard OIlMan saying something about taking them outside during the daylight hours and bringing them back into the garage at night....

Isn't there such a thing as overthinking  things?  

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