Click Click Redemption

By Seoirseo

To Infinity And Beyond

Last Metro home. One with a sleek new redesign, which has done away with the doors at the end of each carriage. Creating a corridor the length of the train.

This will be a boon to all the hawkers, buskers and beggars on the train as they won't have to dismount at each station to get to the next carriage. It's now just one giant long walkway of opportunity!

Coming home from a fine night of beers, pasta & chat round w/Eric, Quetsali, Nacho & Lucia. It being a school night it was easier to drag myself away from the conversation, than would normally be the case.

Also wanted to make sure that I got the last Metro. It shuts at midnight, so no matter where you are at that time, the next station will be your last. Regardless of how far you have left on your journey. And I certainly wouldn't fancy emerging from a station without a clue where I was. That might only be looking for trouble.

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