
Well yesterday's cake was a total disaster. I'm not sure I've ever had such a tragic kitchen nightmare. Cremated doesn't even come close to how black it was. The greaseproof paper disintegrated when I touched it. Epic fail! It may have had something to do with the wrong temperature obviously this was the fault of the recipe and not my colossal failure to work out how high the oven should be... that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

However, I will not be beaten by a cake so I shall try again this weekend. I'm borrowing my Mum's tin though cause that might stop all the liquid dribbling out all over the oven.

So tonight I came home, cleaned the oven, aired my burnt smelling flat and baked two super duper quadruple chocolate cakes to send in the post tomorrow!! They look spectacularly good, I hope they taste the same!

My Christmas cards have been sent, my presents have been wrapped, I just have more cakes to bake next weekend and then I'm good to go. Christmas lunch with work tomorrow... apologies in advance for tomorrow's blip!

120 sleeps!

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