Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Royal Photographic Society Exhibition

It wasn't due to be a great days weather so we were looking for something indoors to do.  

So it was great to come across the Royal Photographic Society's International Photography Exhibition 161 being held at the Midland Arts Centre (MAC) in Edgbaston, Birmingham.  The images are thought provoking and need to be viewed once you've read the narrative that accompanies each exhibit.  It's on until 12th May from 11 am most days.

And while you're there they are also holding an exhibition of selfies taken in the 1970s in Handsworth.  This has been reported on local magazine programmes and was a project where a small outside studio was set up in a street in the area and people were given the opportunity to take their own photographs using a remote release.

I'd encourage anyone with an interest in photography to pop along if they have a chance.

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