
By seddon

Happy mothers day!

Today is mothers day, and so this morning me and Thomas let mummy have a lie in. Sort of.
I was awake at about 6 for a feed, and Thomas was too excited about giving mummy her cards and presents (some slippers and socks) when he woke up to leave her to sleep! Daddy got up and made breakfast in bed and then took me and Thomas downstairs so mummy got a little bit more rest.
Off we went to Thomas's swimming, but we pulled into the car park and mummy realised that his bag was still at home, so we turned round and went straight to Nannie and Grandpa's.
We had lunch and went for a walk to the park where the boys played lots of football and I cried to be fed! After a quick stop at the shop we went back to Nannie's and great grandma and uncle Robert came round for tea, along with Jack who is home for afew weeks before starting his training with the navy. Thomas was extremely happy to see Jack - he is one of his favourite people - and loved introducing me to him!
This evening daddy put me in my sleeping bag in my moses basket and it seemed to work, I actually slept in it for a while! I have been a milk monster today and mummy is hoping I calm down a bit overnight!

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