Abstract Thursday - And The Rains Came

I did look at the forecast before i left for a walk this morning but of course i didnt really believe that it would actually rain.

As i got to the little pop up park and took a few odd shots i turned around and looked behind me and (see extras) i was shocked to see the black clouds coming in fast!

I ran back to the office and arrived just as it started to sprinkle.

By the time i got upstairs to the office it was starting to really rain. I popped the window and took this (main) shot of the wall opposite! I thought it made an interesting abstract, the rain looked kind of inky after i slooshed it through an app!! :o)

It really did rain and rain for a while and that was lovely as the car got a bit of a wash and its perfectly cold!!! YAY!!! We struggled up to 23c and that was it! ;o)

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting AT ;o)xxxx

It’s late so I must away to the bed, catch up tomorrow dear blippers, nighty night xxxxx

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